Saturday, April 13, 2024

AD&D 1e Downtime, Week 1

 Hear ye, Hear ye!!!

I collected all the players downtime activities this week on Discord, having given each player a private channel.  Some wanted to research leads on rumors, some wanted to collect spell components, most just wanted to work.  I figured out how much they earned using the Hirelings Rules from the DMG.  The Cleric was a tough one because cleric isn't listed as either a standard hireling or an expert.  I went to the Cleric Rules in the PHB and figured out how much revenue a name level cleric would gather from his congregation per month (9 sp per resident for 9th level and above).  I backed it off a little for a lower level cleric and multiplied by the population of my Hamlet (which I rolled up randomly following Appendix B when I created the region.)  So I knew how much the temple was raking in a month, and then I took ten percent of that as a love gift that the congregation of Aslan's temple would pay Menetheren for ministering to them this week.

Then I went through and determined how successful they were in their other endeavors.  I communicated each of these in those private channels, letting the players know they could share the info or not with the other players in the Tavern channel.

On the General Channel I shared the big event that happened this week.  There is a group of Brigands somewhere to the Southeast (Menetheren knows where) who sent a patrol to collect their protection money like every other month.  However this month I rolled a Reaction Check (DMG p63) and it came up low.  21 - Hostile, Immediate Action!!!  So I figured the Knight was actually using the bathroom or something when the brigands were spotted.  His son saw them coming and ordered the Palisade closed off.  The Brigands were denied entrance!!!  They sent a messenger back to their base while the remaining Serjeant and 10 riders have camped threateningly at the bottom of Folton Hill.

It will be difficult for the PCs to get in or out now.

And they have reasons to want to get out.  (Most have been shared privately and not yet disseminated)

When the month is up they will each need to pay 100 gp per level for upkeep and taxes and whatnot, and the money just ain't that good in town.  There's a reason they became adventurers in the first place.

I gotta say, even for a face to face group, Discord is really handy for running all this stuff.  I am using Blogger for these session reports, and I have just recently started using Obsidian for campaign notes.

That is all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Using the Church's 10% tithe to pay the cleric was interesting. How did you handle/adjudicate the other actions?

    9sp/month/per person
    Hamlet pop: 269
    Church donation: 2421sp
    10% tithe: 242sp 1cp
    at 20sp = 1gp: 12gp 3sp~
    Weekly collection: 3gp 6sp~

    Be interested to hear how much you "back off" from the 9sp, how much the others earned, and how you used the Hireling Rules to adjudicate it.


Downtime Week 3

This week the month rolled over! Disease checks (DMG p13-14):  Everyone went into the Wererat grave tunnels, but only Oiax was bitten. Bas...