Welcome to Tales of Dunderia!
I saw a hashtag on Twitter and fell
down a rabbit hole. #BrOSR. A dude named Jeffro played AD&D in 2020 using
RAW (Rules as Written). All the
rules. Even the hard and weird
ones. And… fun crazy stuff started emerging. I am not an elite GM (gamemaster), and my
players are not elite…yet! But I’m
taking a swing on trying this stuff to see what happens.
I’m using a system called ACKS (Adventurer Conqueror King System). I’m
committing to 1:1 time (each day that passes away from the table in the real
world also passes in the game world), No Rule Zero (the one where you just make
up stuff because you are the gamemaster), and Patron Play (assign real people
the important NPCs to see what they do outside of the table).
We’re a bunch of Dads who play once
a month, and even then, not everyone can make it to each session. We are used to 5e and DND Beyond. I need to go with
whoever shows up and still have fun. I
also don't want to have to remember the gamestate from when we paused two
months ago when everyone was there. It’s
either: only play one-shots, or this, so let’s roll. I’m starting off in trouble, as I don’t have
ACKS entirely down, nor the module B2 The Keep on the Borderlands, but it’s
time to throw dice so here we go. Want
to come along, dear reader?
Session 1 – ACKS – Keep on the Borderlands – Dec 29
The Players’ Characters, meaning the two people who are played by my players who were there this night: Paul and John. Everyone else with dialog was badly acted by me as the GM.
Joel Osteen, a Level 1 Cleric (no relation to
persons living, dead or undead.)
Aspen, Bard will not be appearing in tonight’s episode, nor will Legolorenzo
Llamaslas, Elven Spellsword.
Hot Water at the KEEP!
The party shares rumors on the road leading up to the
Keep. A quick roll on the rumor table.
JOEL OSTEEN: “’Bree-yark!’” is goblin language for “’we surrender!’”
Randolph rolled a 17 for Intelligence y’all. He speaks goblin. Randolph rolls on the rumor table.
RANDOLPH, SON OF MANDOLPH: “Beware of treachery from within the party.”
They narrow eyes at each other.
As they approach the gate to the Keep, a Man-at-arms shouts
down for them to give their names and state their business. Why are they there? This stumps the players. They answer with their names. Joel Osteen proclaims, “I was born an hour
ago?” Randolph professes a hunger for
learning (remember how smart he is?). The
man at arms asks if they be Lawful men.
They say yes and are admitted. Inside
the gate, the Corporal of the watch, flanked by two more Men-at-arms and a Scribe
grouchily informs them they need to stow their blades and unstring any
bows. “Surely you would not deny an old
man his walking stick?” says Randolph, who is also an hour old. The scribe writes their names down.
JOEL OSTEEN: “Who do you worship here?”
CORPORAL: “Ammonar.”
JOEL OSTEEN: “Yes but who do you really worship?” Joel gives the eyebrows. The Corporal stiffens.
CORPORAL: “What are you implying?”
JOEL OSTEEN: “Only that in my travels I have noted that men are not always what they seem, my son.”
The Corporal nods to the Scribe who
makes a mark next to Joel’s name on the list.
One man at arms runs to one of the gate’s flanking towers, apparently
with a message.
RANDOLPH: “Who is the smartest person in this Keep?”
CORPORAL: “Well, obviously you are!” Scribe and remaining man-at-arms chuckle.
RANDOLPH: “But if I wanted to have a learned conversation with someone?”
CORPORAL: “The Priest is always up for talking.”
RANDOLPH: “Who else is smart?”
CORPORAL: “The Castellan is a very smart man.”
RANDOLPH: “Is he though?” The Corporal bristles.
CORPORAL: “Nobody around here would say that he isn’t.” This is meant as a warning.
RANDOLPH: “I see.” He nods in a knowing way putting his finger aside his nose.
CORPORAL: “What I mean is anyone suggesting otherwise will not do well here.”
He nods at the scribe who puts a check next to Randolph’s name as well.
The first man-at-arms has just opened the door at the base of the tower and the
second gets his eye and points to Randolph.
He turns around and goes back in.
Randolph heads straight to the
Tavern, while Joel makes a beeline to the Priest’s Apartments. An unspeaking acolyte admits Joel, shows him
to a table and pours him a mug of ale.
Joel smiles at him and tells him he doesn’t drink but would like an
audience with the Priest. He hears heavy
footsteps coming down the creaking stairs, but instead of a portly man coming
around the corner, an absolute CHAD appears, barrel chested, delts like
pumpkins visible even through his shapeless brown robes. Only now does Joel notice the armor stand
with shield and mace in the corner.
Now here’s the thing about Keep on
the Borderlands: nobody and nothing gets a name. Corporal, Keep, Borderlands, Priest. So at this moment my players announce the
Priest is Brother Francis (Chan). Joel
absolutely GRILLS the man about the gods.
Luckily I had my copy of the Auran Primer and I could quickly tell him
their names. Joel’s player writes each
one down, then asks about the Chaos gods.
Bro Francis doesn’t much like to talk about them. He affirms he loves the Lawful gods. Joel presses and gets two names out of
him. The Priest indicates he believes
there is a Shadowed Sinkhole of Evil in the Caves of Chaos that is causing the problem
and insists on coming along if the party wants to find the Caves and sort it out.
Meanwhile, Randolph enters the Tavern,
and it’s hopping with about ten patrons.
He looks over the menu and orders “Hot water.” That one made my brain go on pause. You have to realize, I’m not really familiar
with the rules or the module and I’m flipping back and forth in both books
trying to answer a stream of questions.
I was just not ready for someone to go into a bar and not only order the
only free beverage, but in its most labor-intensive form.
Luckily, I don’t have to come up
with a reaction. In ACKS I can roll on a
reaction table, modified by his Charisma.
It came up Neutral. So, the Barkeep’s
in my boat. He just stares at Randolph. Randolph looks over the menu and sees that
Bark Tea is one silver piece. So, he
orders that, without the bark, and slides over his 1 sp. The Barkeep just looks at a Serving Wench and
says, “Bark tea, hold the bark.”
Randolph takes his mug to the
Aragorn booth in the corner and sprinkles a big pinch of dark tea leaves into
it from a secret pouch in his cloak. Looking
around he sees a Dwarf eating by themself and asks to join, saying he’s
interested in adventure. He rolls a 3 on
the reaction table and it goes all Thorin in the Prancing Pony before Gandalf
showed up. The Dwarf reaches for an axe
and Randolph backs off. From a table behind him Randolph hears a slightly
slurred voice yell, “Did you say adventure? Pull up a chair!” There are four capable looking men drinking
at the table. Randolph picks up two more
rolls on the rumor table chatting with them:
there are hordes of tiny dogmen in the lower caves, and lizard men live
in the marshes. A man named Gerrold investigates
Randolph’s mug.
GERROLD: “What are you drinking? Looks strong!”
RANDOLPH: “It is.”
GERROLD (to Barkeep): “I’ll have what he’s having!”
The Barkeep is just shaking his
head. Randolph decides to hire them as henchmen,
and I desperately flip around in the rule book for a while trying to remember
how that works. They ask for 6gp per week
and 20% share in the treasure. Randolph
counters with 2 gp/week and the 20%.
Roll reaction…they accept! So, I
roll stats for the Henchmen and poor Gerrold gets a 4 for Intelligence. Right about this point the Serving Wench delivers
his hot water and he takes a sip. “I don’t
get it” he says.
Randolph has 5 henchmen and a
desire to go find the little dogmen.
Joel Osteen has a Brother Francis and two Acolytes who will come along
for free, so it looks like adventure is afoot!
Having finished his conversation with Brother Francis a bit before
Randolph’s negotiating, Joel Osteen starts street preaching and asking for alms. He is feeling a little underpowered, being a
level 1 Cleric with no spells yet. He
rolls a lousy reaction for his street ministry and only winds up with 8 copper
pieces for his trouble, I guess being brand new to town, and not even having an
alms box makes him look sus (my daughter hates it when I say sus). “Great!” his player exclaims, “so I’m just a
beggar!” He prays to Ammonar, and rolls
a 4. Ammonar helps those who help themselves. I ask if he wants to go to the chapel to
donate his 8 copper pieces and he elects to keep them. Randolph joins him and tells him about the
henchmen. He tells Randolph about the Clerics
and it looks like a right warband! They spend
the next two hours renting a cart and two mules, buying supplies. Hydration is a big deal in ACKS so they buy a
barrel, but Randolph wants to take it to the tavern and ask them to fill it
with hot water.
A Heroic Departure!
So everyone is ready and they march
out! Marching order is:
- Unnamed as yet Henchmen 1&2
- Henchmen 3 & 4
- Brother Francis and Silent Acolyte 1
- Silent Acolyte 2 and Gerrold
- Joel and Randolph riding in the cart.
Joel notices the Acolytes haven’t said a word this whole time. Brother Francis waves the question away
indicating that they have taken a vow of silence.
god would demand that?” asks an incredulous Randolph, totally putting the DM on
the spot.
BROTHER FRANCIS: “Irestes. Before they can
progess in the order, they need to prove that they can put the self second.”
“I always talk!”
BROTHER FRANCIS: “Perhaps it would be good for your soul if you kept your silence for a
glowers while Joel Osteen makes, “Oh BURN!” faces. Gerrold will not stop talking to Acolyte 2
who cannot respond. He has also named
one mule “Doug,” and its mate, “Ovva Doug.”
so they don’t know where the Caves of Chaos are, and there are amazing things
to find in this adventure, but NOT if you just stay on the road…which is what
they did. 3 hours in they hit a wandering
monster encounter. It comes up a Giant
- Roll for surprise, neither side is surprised.
- Roll for distance, 100 yards away.
- Roll for reaction, the snake is indifferent.
will probably let the party pass. The whole
time Joel has been praying to Ammonar for guidance and the location of the Caves
of Chaos. His player has just announced
that he is praying and then rolls a D20.
I’m not sure how that works rules-wise.
Sounds like a Contact Higher Plane spell to me, but he doesn’t have one
yet. But he doesn’t ask, just states he’s
praying and rolls a d20. Luckily, he has
been rolling 4’s and 5’s so I don’t have to be tested on the Rule of Cool thing
yet. Ammonar has been silent. So out of sheer boredom, Joel charges the
snake, and Gerrold gets caught up in the moment and goes with him. Here’s another GM fail, I hadn’t understood
the entry for the snakes on the first reading and realized that there were actually…rolls
d4…4 Giant Snakes instead of one. I also
prolonged this whole encounter. These
snakes save as a level 2 fighter, so I had to flip back to that section, and
the table that indicates what they hit on, based on their HD was in another
section as well. So this definitely went
slower than it would have in the hands of an elite GM as I page back and forth
in the book.
Irregardless! We got there. Joel smacks the first one for 4 hp, and Gerrold misses. Randolph casts a spell, and a Spectral Owl flies over the three other Giant Rattlers, putting them to sleep. The awake snake bites Gerrold for 4 hp and he fails his poison save. Gerrold will die of poison in 4 turns (40 minutes). The snake strikes at Joel, but just gets a mouthful of shield. An Acolyte kills it, while the Henchpeople slit the throats of the sleeping snakes. Sleep spell is brutal in ACKS.
Randolph immediately forages for herbs using his Alchemy proficiency (remember, he’s smart). He gets an amazing roll and finds the exact things he needs. Gerrold has half an hour to live. Randolph wants to make a potion right then and there and rolls well.
hesitate. I don’t know how this works in
ACKS. I’ve been on the spot all night,
and I feel like all I do is flip around in the rulebook or module while everyone
else just waits. I’m committed to the
rules, but in this instance, I just, I allow it. Don’t call it rule of cool, call it rule of
fool. Forgive me Jeffro! (although even he has had this experiance). So, Gerrold’s life is saved, but it’s into
the wagon for him, and a week of bed rest if he makes it home. Nothing else happens for the next 2 hours of
travel and they make camp for the night at 7:30 PM.
Joel’s player announces that the GM believes in science more than God, since his prayers have repeatedly been unheard while Randolph is finding herbs and curing poison. See! When players are taking their cues from the actual game, the rules matter! Rule ofcooling leaves them wondering what’s in the GM’s head instead of what’s in the rulebook. I shouldn’t have allowed it. Gerrold should be a corpse.
They travel all the next day, keeping to the
road without encounter until 3:40 PM.
The Priest tells them that the Caves of Chaos feel near. They decide to break
from the road and enter the forest to the North. They wanted to leave the two Acolytes with
Gerrold and the Dougs (mules, in case you forgot) to guard the wagon, but Brother Francis won’t hear of it,
he needs them with him. Randolph asks, “can
they cast spells?” Umm not without
speaking they can’t. So Hench 1 and 2
stay with Gerrold, having suddenly been named Harold and Garold.
The Caves of Chaos at Last!
So, the
party bushwacks through the woods until coming into a steep ravine dotted with
caves. Remembering the rumor about the
little dog-people Randolph guides them into cave A. There is a 2 in 6 chance that 8 Kobolds will
attack from hiding as they enter the cave… they do not. But there’s another problem. The cave is not lit. About ten feet in it gets dim, and beyond that
it is dark. Anybody got a lantern? A torch?
They do not (I blame 5e's Darkvision for this oversight). They spent 2 hours
buying supplies and not a single torch was purchased. Does Randolph know Light? He does not.
The GM is not elite, but neither are the players… yet. Here in Dunderia, we embrace a growth
prays to Ammonar for guidance…rolls an 8.
Brother Francis does know Light though, says so on page 9 of the module. He holds his mace aloft, mutters a soft prayer
to Ammonar, and the mace head begins to glow.
Joel glowers at him, and Randolph’s player throws back his head with
laughter. In we go. I hand Joel’s player a sheet of grid paper
and he starts mapping the cave based on my descriptions.
Marching Order:
- Francis and Joel
- Acolytes 1& 2
- Henchies 1 & 2
- Randolph
30 feet in there is a 10’ deep pit trap that will dump the first people in line on a 3 in 6 chance…it does not. There is a 1 in 6 chance the second row will drop…they do not. They go down the hall and turn right at a T intersection, coming upon a kobold guard room. Francis’s night-light mace means that the kobolds cannot be surprised, and the party succeeds their surprise check. It’s weapons out boys!
Randolph hangs
back. Francis, Joel and all the Henchies
run in. Kobolds have 1HD, but the six of
them all roll beefy and it’s a fight.
They are throwing spears, the light is swinging around like crazy as Francis
swings away at them. Joel and Francis
take damage, so do the kobolds, but everyone is still up. Randolph stands indecisively.
Next round Francis whiffs, Joel
scores a hit with his plain-old, non-glowy mace, and the Kobolds really lay into Francis Joel and an Acolyte with
their short swords. Finally, Randolph acts, lamenting the loss of his only spell
for the day, and the silent Owl glides
through the room. Every kobold, but one 8
hp guy go to bed. At this point Noob GM
remembers that one kobold was supposed to run and warn the others, so the tough one retreats, screaming his li’l
head off. Joel hits him for 5 hp on the
way past, but he gets away.
The party rolls the sleeping
kobolds for 23 sp and the acolytes go to kill them in their sleep when suddenly,
the Light goes out! Joel is struck on
the back of the head and goes unconscious.
Randolph hears other thumps and bodily collapses and runs in the
dark. He avoids striking any walls in
the blackness due to a stellar memory (remember how smart?) but finally
triggers the pit trap and falls in taking damage and hearing the trap door shut
ten feet overhead. He is left alone with
his thoughts in the dark, remembering the rumor he heard on the way to the Keep.
2 hours later…
Garold and Gerrold arrive, wondering where everyone is. Gerrold has a candle
(even the dumb guy brought something!).
They follow the party’s tracks into Cave A and hear Randolph’s cries. “What you doing froo vuh floor?!” Gerrold
would like to know.
Randolph’s instructions, they open the pit trap and haul him out, but they hear
kobold footsteps coming from the right, and from the left, something else
skitters. So, they hightail it through
the woods. Gerrold is exhausted and lays
back down on the wagon, “I still don’t feel good.” Doug and Other Doug start pulling to get the
wagon as far from the Caves of Chaos as they can when night falls.
- Joel Osteen – prayers unanswered, unconscious, alive?
- Randolph son of Mandolph – On the road with Harold Garold and Gerrold.
- XP 240 from Giant Rattlers, 30 from 6 kobolds
- Treasure – 23 silver pieces
In-world time:
Thursday, December 29, noon – Friday December 30 7:00 pm.
The players have been asked what they will do this week in
their predicaments.
I have invited the first two patrons to the game, to take on
the roles of Brother Francis and the Kobold Chief.
More to come.